Jinhold Hotel & Serviced Apartment







Project Type


The Jinhold Hotel & Serviced Apartments in Miri, Sarawak, comprises 70 hotel rooms, 66 serviced apartment units, and various business and recreational facilities on a site located across the road from Miri Airport.

The latest addition to the chain of hotels and residences owned by Jinhold in Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Bintulu, and Miri, the final design of the hotel departs from the neo-classical architectural style that defined their earlier buildings.

Taking into consideration the client’s desire to introduce a more tropical and contemporary image to their product, we envisioned the hotel as a ‘contemporary oasis,’ signifying the coming-of-age of their hospitality business venture. The design process encompassed a fine balancing act between innovation and the need for practicality, cost-effectiveness, lean management, and ease of maintenance.

The completed building consists of two towers that rise above a two-storey podium and a sub-basement car park. The front tower houses the hotel rooms, while the rear tower houses the serviced apartments, with the mainly open facilities floor featuring a protruding infinity pool, pergolas, and greenery serving as a break between the podium and the towers above. The sides of the building generally face north and south, while the front and rear of the building face east and west, respectively. Aluminium fins screen off the front drop-off area and part of the hotel tower to act as a backdrop for signage. Balconies interspersed with vertical aluminium screens provide shade and shape to the side facades.

One of the main design ideas was the creation of a suburban oasis that would exude a sense of tranquillity through the introduction of greenery, water, and the blurring of the boundary between the inside and outside. This is evident on the ground floor, where there is a large expanse of semi-enclosed terraces flanked by planters. The al fresco dining area of the restaurant and an outdoor lounge cum library inhabit this long ‘verandah’ of varying heights.

The Central Court takes centre stage with its voluminous space and high feature walls. A reflective pool with a planted tree within acts as a focal point, while an opening in the slab above allows natural light to stream in, providing glimpses of the facilities floor above. Serving as a vertical element that completes the visual composition is a thinly veiled and sculptural concrete staircase.

The main reception lobby and restaurant have a huge expanse of glazing that sets the external bamboo trees as a soothing backdrop and brings the outdoors in visually. Its central courtyard, teeming with ficus trees and bird’s nest ferns, acts as the centrepiece of the main reception lobby.

The first floor consists of business and recreational facilities, with seminar rooms surrounded by swimming pools, water features, terraces, and lush gardens. Hammocks, swings, a play area, and a mini-golf course, interspersed with ramps and steps, are woven into the open plan. The result is a whimsical, ‘dreamy,’ and romantic setting for guests to unwind. The front terrace, partially shaded by a forest of aluminium fins and trees in planters, is used as a spill-over area for the seminar rooms. It provides a venue for outdoor weddings and parties in the evenings.


Team Credits



Interior Designer


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