- Malaysia
- Kuching | Sarawak
- 2015 – present
- Panggau Dayak Sdn Bhd
- Site area
- : 3.67 acres
- Building area
- : 17703.72 m2 |
-   Condominium
- : 3731.48 m2 | Apartment
- Building height
- : 40.15 m | 11 storeys |
-   Condominium
- : 21 m | 6 storeys |
-   Apartment
- Ongoing
Project Type
- Residential
- Multiple Residential | High Rise | Condominium | Apartment

The master plan for the original 6 acres of land was for an office block and a residential development. We situated the office block facing the main road, Jalan Ong Tiang Swee, while the residential units are set farther away from the road for privacy and exclusivity.
The office block was designed by another architect. We developed the residential enclave as a low-density area (30 units per acre), consisting of an 11-storey block of luxury condominiums and a six 6-storey block of apartments. The total site area is 3.67 acres, within a 10-minute drive from the city centre.
The architecture of this development is understated and well-thought-out, combining modern design with tropical considerations for sun and shade, using simple building materials.

The 11-storey condominiums are laid out in two wings, framing a landscaped courtyard with a clubhouse and a swimming pool in the centre. Every two condominium units share a dedicated lift and lobby, without a common corridor, allowing for better privacy and unobstructed views from the front and rear of each unit.
Every unit has a view of the courtyard, clubhouse, and swimming pool. The condominium block has its own entrance lobby and a residents’ lounge at the roof level.
Complementing the condominiums are 30 apartment units in a 6-storey block, planned around a landscaped courtyard. The layout of these units is designed for the modern Asian family, featuring open-plan living spaces, an outdoor dining room, and an Asian kitchen.

Team Credits
- MWA Architects Sdn Bhd
- C & S : PCS Consultant Sdn Bhd
- M & E : Perunding Dynatech Sdn Bhd
Quantity Surveyor
- FCH Quantity Surveyor Sdn Bhd
Interior Designer
- Totem Sdn Bhd
- Song Kau Construction Sdn Bhd
Design Team
- Wee Hii Min
- Leong Gian Wen
- Fiona Law
- Poh Jia Yan
- Lee Peng Hui
- Wee Hii Min
- Fiona Law
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